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Norvegus hus v/Norvegus Fonden
Norvegus hus og Norvegus Fonden values your interest and your visit to our internet site. Although the information on this site is displayed permanently in the most accurate and current way possible, we reserve the right to make changes in price, offers, facilities, images or other information on this site at all times. No rights whatsoever can be obtained from the content of the Norvegushus internet site.
All rights on the content of this internet site, including all texts, images, software and information in another form, are the property of Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden and/or her connected companies.Information on this internet site, in whatever form it appears, such as texts, images or software, may not be changed, reproduced, transported, or distributed without Norvegushus/v InigoCenter prior written permission.
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Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden website is checked regularly for computer viruses, but the absence of viruses that could influence the working of your computer and/or programs cannot, unfortunately, be guaranteed.
This website can also contain links to non- Norvegushus v/ Norvegus Fonden websites. Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden is in no way responsible for the content or use of these third party websites, or for the consequences of visiting a site connected to the website.
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Your questions, suggestions and comments
Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden does not wish to receive any confidential information via this site, or information that is protected by authors rights by you or third parties. Any form of information, in the form of suggestions, ideas etc. that Norvegushus/v Norvegus Fonden receives from you will be treated by Norvegushus / v Norvegus Fonden as non-confidential and free from ownership rights. Norvegushus / v Norvegus Fonden retains the right to use information sent by you, to reproduce, change, demonstrate, forward and distribute this irrespective of the goal.
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Information sent by Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden by e-mail is intended only for the addressee. Use of this information by parties other than the addressee is not permitted. The replication, publishing, distribution and/or provision of this information to third parties is not permitted. Norvegushus /v Norvegus Fonden cannot vouch for the complete transfer of the contents of sent e-mails, or for the timely receipt of these. No rights whatsoever may be obtained from information sent to you.
Norvegus Hus
V. Norvegus Fonden
Sandskredsvej 10 . Hølkerup
DK-4500 Nykøbing Sj.